Common Questions
Why should I seek out counseling? How do I know if I need it?
Whether you or a family member is struggling with a particular issue, or just can't shake the feeling that there should be more to life, Family Resources can help. We will provide a caring and warm environment in which you can identify and explore those issues that may be getting in the way of a more rewarding home life, family life, career, or of more fulfilling relationships. The goal is to help you gain insights and provide tools you need to move beyond old, limiting beliefs and behaviors and have a more rewarding life experience.
What kind of counselors are you?
Currently, the practice is comprised of marriage and family therapists or mental health counselors in various stages of license. It ranges between licensed, provisionally licensed (registered intern with the state), and pre-degree interns. Family Resources is a teaching facility and will occasionally have a student intern or a registered intern working in the practice. Student interns are individuals who are finishing their Master's degree and are working to gain hours and experience to complete their degree program. Registered interns are those who have obtained their Master's degree, are now registered with the state, and are working to meet the states licensure requirements. All interns must have supervision and must report to their supervisor. Dr. Clevenger serves as supervisor to all non-licensed individuals in the practice.
Will I be working with you or can I work with the intern?
Here at Family Resources, we want you to receive the best care and feel comfortable with your counselor. This may mean you work with both the licensed therapist and the intern, with just the licensed therapist, or with just the registered intern. You have choices! If you are comfortable working with the student intern, just ask!!!
Do you only work with married people or families?
No, we work with many people with many different problems. Family Resources provides counseling services to individual, couples, married couples, families, and relationships of all kinds.
Do you only work with adults?
This will depend on the therapist as some only see adults while others see ages 14 and up.
Do you diagnose people with mental or psychological problems?
Yes, we are able to effectively diagnose our patients should a mental health diagnosis be warranted.
Do you need to have a mental health diagnosis to get counseling?
No, you do not need to have a mental health diagnosis to received counseling. All you need is the readiness to open yourself and invite change.
Do you prescribe medication?
No, we do not prescribe medication. Should medication be warranted, a referral will be made to your primary care physician (PCP) or to a psychiatrist.
Is all of your counseling face to face?
No, we do offer telehealth counseling as well as video chatting through a HIPPA compliant video chat. However, most counseling will occur face to face. Face to face counseling allows for more real time interaction and more meaning within the therapeutic session. However, there are times that meeting face to face is not possible; maybe you have moved or you are out of town. In these cases, alternate forms can be arranged.
If I don't have insurance, can I still get counseling?
Yes, absolutely! You do not need insurance to seek help from our counselors. For session rates please contact our office via email or phone or click on each therapists page for specific details.
How do I get started?
To begin, check the availability of the chosen therapist. You can do this by giving us a call or sending us an email letting us know you want to schedule an appointment. Be ready with some good days and times for an appointment and information regarding insurance or billing.
How long will it take to get things settled with the insurance company?
Generally, it takes from 45 to 60 days to obtain payment from an insurance carrier.​
​Why am I getting bills if I have insurance?
​If you are receiving a bill even though you have insurance, several things may have occurred. Here are the top reasons:
- You have not met your deductible
- You have a co-payment/coinsurance
- Your insurance does not cover mental health services
- You no longer have insurance coverage
​I received a notice that my insurance company has paid on my bill -- but I can't understand how they calculated their payment amount. Do you know?
​If we have received any such information from your insurance company, we'll be glad to share it with you. However, for answers to any questions about insurance payments, deductibles, or co-payments, you generally need to check with your insurance company.
How do I schedule an appointment?
Here are the ways to schedule an appointment:
Call the office at 850.567.1102
Email the office at drlaura@famresources.com or each therapist individually.